How to Get Involved: Volunteer as a Community Health Board Member
“Community partnerships and a voice for a healthier future.”
Make A Difference In Your Community
When you volunteer as a Community Health Board (CHB) member, you do more than just talk about what makes a community healthy. Every conversation you have, partnership you make and initiative you support brings us closer to creating safe, healthy and supportive communities. CHBs work with community partners and organizations, local municipalities, Nova Scotia Health and many others to improve health & wellness.
How to Apply
Determine the CHB you are applying to by checking out the maps on the Find Your CHB page.
Click the link below for your Zone and county / area (other volunteer opportunities can be found here):
Western Zone – Southwest
Create an account and fill out the application, selecting the name of the CHB you are applying to.
- OR -
If you are unable to use the online application, you may contact CHB Coordinator for your area (found by clicking here) and ask them to send you a copy by email or on paper, and send the completed PDF back to the CHB Coordinator.
You will be contacted by a Community Health Board Coordinator for the next steps.
All volunteers of Nova Scotia Health are required to provide a valid Criminal Record Check including a Vulnerable Sector Search.
These items will be discussed with you by the CHB Coordinator and Volunteer Resource consultant.
Eligibility Restrictions:
Under the Health Authorities Ministerial Regulations made under section 79 of the Health Authorities Act:
“No person shall be permitted to be a member of a CHB board who (a) is an employee of the provincial health authority, the IWK Health Centre or the Department of Health and Wellness; or (b) holds privileges with the provincial health authority or the IWK Health Centre.”
Meet your Provincial Council of Chairs
The Provincial Council of Chairs is made up of local Zone Chairs from each that represent each of the four Nova Scotia Health Zones. The Provincial CHB Council of Chairs is a provincial forum for sharing, coordinating efforts and working collaboratively to move local issues forward on a provincial platform with a goal of giving a greater voice to a local or zone issue.
L-R back - Mildred Lynn-McDonald (Eastern Zone), Pamela Withrow (Northern Zone), Heather Morse (Western Zone), Greg Nix (Northern Zone), Rhonda Frank (Central Zone), Eastern Zone Manger and Provincial CoC Support, Aron Ashton
Front - John Smith (Western Zone)
Missing from photo - Eric Chiasson (Eastern Zone)
Another Way to Get Involved: Become a Community Partner
A CHB SupportS Community Partners
CHBs connect with many other community organizations and support them in various ways.
Read about an interview with one such partner, Sally O’Neill, Coordinator of Active Pictou County by clicking here.