Meet Janice
Hi, my name is Janice Meisner and I am pleased to join the Annapolis Community Health Board in February 2020.
My husband and I are retired and enjoyed our summer visits to the Annapolis Royal area and decided we needed to live here - so we moved from Ottawa in the fall of 2019. Our two sons and their families are living in Ottawa and enjoy the city life and plan to visit here too. Lucky for us, we also have family here already. We know it was a good move for us as we love our new maritime lifestyle!
Being a former public health nurse and Community Health Centre board member in Ottawa were great experiences. I learned so much about the importance of community involvement and how actions are strengthened through collaboration of shared knowledge and resources and the value of their impact on outcomes for a healthier community. In my past roles, I was engaged in roles of advocacy to address issues of homelessness and food security in Ottawa.
I firmly believe in the value of volunteering in my community as a meaningful way to contribute to the health and well-being for everyone. Being part of organized and resourced community work is important, exciting and very rewarding!
At present, I am very inspired by the current Community Health Plan 2019-2021. It has successfully captured input across communities and groups which will guide meaningful work on the identified factors affecting our community's health, including safe, affordable housing, food security and availability & access to healthy living and wellness programs, to name a few.
I am looking forward to the exciting work ahead, connecting and working together with our valuable community partners to improve the availability and accessibility for everyone to healthy living in this wonderful community!
If you see me around town, please say hi and let’s chat about your ideas and volunteering!