Welcome to our Postcard Project Information Page
The Community Health Boards (CHBs) are a committed group of volunteers who are working together to improve the health of their communities. CHBs serve a vital role in the well-being of their communities, helping to support many community-based projects and partnerships. This includes providing grants to community-based groups to support projects focused on health promotion and the social determinants of health.
The CHBs in Kings and Annapolis Counties, Central Kings CHB, Eastern Kings CHB, Kingston-Greenwood CHB, Western Kings CHB & Annapolis CHB, have launched a postcard project highlighting the four priority areas in the Western Zone Community Health Plan. Sparked by and showcasing artwork painted on rocks placed in the community, the postcards provide awareness and action that can be taken to address each priority area; food security, housing, community connection and recreation & wellness.
Want to mail in a postcard? Here is a quick how to video.
Did you mail in a postcard?
We want to hear about it! Email us at westernCHBs@nshealth.ca or tag us on social media #CHBHealthyCommunities .
For more information on each of these messages and ways to take action, please see below in References & Resources under each priority.
140 or more families in Kings County didn’t have adequate, affordable, appropriate housing in 2016 (Census). To be safe, all Nova Scotians deserve a dignified place to call home. Annapolis County residents experiencing housing insecurity said that a shortage of affordable rentals was among the top reasons (2016 Census). To be safe, all Nova Scotians deserve a dignified place to call home.
References & Resources:
Reports and recommendations on the housing in the Western Zone from the DAASH website
Information on youth homelessness in the Annapolis Valley from The Portal, including Homeless No More
Food Security
We need nutritious food to be strong. “Nova Scotians must become intolerant of hunger and poverty in our province” — Feed NS.
We support Food Secure Canada’s call to address root causes of food insecurity mainly by establishing a livable income floor and supporting Kings/Annapolis County residents to access local affordable healthy food.
References & Resources:
Information from Feed Nova Scotia
Calls from Food Secure Canada
Policy Recommendations from Food Secure Canada
Basic Income Canada Network’s policy options report & website
#SpeakUp4SchoolFood campaign by Nourish NS & The Coalition for Healthy School Food
Community Connection
Being there for each other means that everyone is included. During COVID-19, lack of reliable and affordable internet access in our rural communities has deepened existing inequities in terms of social connection, education, public health and safety. Social connection and equity for Nova Scotians requires universal access to reliable and affordable internet.
References & Resources:
Develop NS Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative
Recreation & Wellness
All Nova Scotians should have access to more funded and diverse opportunities for recreation and play, without barriers (WZ Community Health Plan). “Our current situation has highlighted that recreation, inclusive of arts, culture and sport, is a vital part of all our lives” — Recreation NS and Recreation Facility Assoc. of NS.
References & Resources:
More about recreation & calls to action from Recreation NS
Find recreation & active living opportunities at NSConnect, Valley Connect
About the Shared Strategy for Advancing Recreation in Nova Scotia
Canadian Parks and Recreation Association: www.CPRA.ca
Benefits of recreation (research): http://benefitshub.ca/
Did you mail in a Postcard?
We want to hear about it! Email us at westernCHBS@nshealth.ca or tag us on social media #CHBHealthyCommunities.
Are you interested in distributing postcards?
Make an order using our postcard request form
Contact westernCHBS@nshealth.ca
Have questions? Contact: westernCHBs@nshealth.ca
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